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Welcome to Prayer Corner


When I fall on my knees

with my face to the rising sun, 

O Lord, have mercy on me. 

from Let Us Break Bread Together

Prayer Corner is a place for you to visit for inspiration and suggestions about how you can connect with God. It is our desire to help you reach out to God more often and in more ways.  We hope that this connection will bring you more discernment, more peace, and more love for God and others... even for yourself.

The current Prayer Corner article is offered here.  This and previous articles can be downloaded from the Archive.

Prayer Corner 26

In Memory of Gracie Johnson

By Angie Rebert

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.  My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.                                            

                                                                                                                                                         John 14:1-3





















This comforting visual came to me a few days after our beloved Gracie went Home to be with Jesus. I think part of it came in my dreaming, and then it expanded during my morning contemplation time.  


I saw a little girl skipping barefoot by the shore’s edge. Impulsively, she skipped and splashed into the water. But very suddenly her feet were not touching the ground, and she found herself sinking with the water rising to her shoulders.


“Help me Jesus!” she screamed. 


And Jesus was there, lifting her up to his shoulders as she held onto his hair and giggled. 


They waded to the river’s edge. Nearby was a large shady tree. Jesus set the little girl down and dropped down beside her. They were both laughing as the little girl scooted over and leaned against Jesus. 


“I was so scared,” she whispered. “But then you were there so fast!”


 “I was always there, my child,” he responded. “Sometimes, you can’t see, but I am always there with you. I will never leave you.”


They were quiet then and the little girl fell asleep. After a little while, she awakened. Jesus took her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. 


“It’s time to go now,” he said.


And hand in hand they began to walk.


“Where are we going Jesus?”


“We are going Home, my child”, Jesus gently replied, squeezing her hand. “We are going Home.”


Thank you Jesus for always being there for us.


When I think of coming Home to you, I think of the song I Can Only Imagine

Listen to it here: I Can Only Imagine   

Image by Lee Bekir and David Cochran

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