Reformed Church
In Service to the Risen Christ Since 1832
Leadership Teams
The Blawenburg Reformed Church is a family of God’s people united in Christ through the Holy Spirit. We commit our gifts to worship, hospitality, life-long learning, serving those in need, and proclaiming the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.
The Leadership Teams carry out the business of the church and implement the church budget and programs in their areas. They make recommendations to the Consistory to implement new ideas or expenditures.
David Cochran, Team Leader
The Communications Team plans, implements, and oversees the publicity of the church including internal communications such as the eNews and Beacon newsletter, sermon podcasts, newspaper and social media releases, the church website, and event promotion.
Sam Prince, Team Leader
The Finance Team oversees all church expenditures and fundraising.
The Hospitality Team has two divisions, Congregational Care and Family Life.
Congregational Care
Barb Reid, Team Leader
The Congregational Care Team looks after those who need care in the church by informing congregants of people in need and organizing efforts to assist them.
Family Life
Evelyn Cochran, Team Leader
The Family Life Team helps to provide the fellowship of God’s church. They plan and implement opportunities for our church family to gather together to share fellowship.​
Barbara Pavlicek, Team Leader
The Mission Team seeks to demonstrate God’s love to our neighbors by meeting their needs and healing their hurts in the name of Jesus. They feed the hungry, clothe the poor, care for widows, orphans, and victims of injustice; make personal connections with those in need in our immediate community; engage congregational members in hands-on mission projects; and identity, publicize and coordinate opportunities for members financially to support other organizations helping those in need.
Peggy Querec, Team Leader
The Properties Team oversees all matters pertaining to campus buildings and grounds, construction, maintenance, etc; plans work days; and solicits contractor bids.
The Worship Team has two divisions. One team oversees worship services, while the other looks after the sanctuary.
Worship Team
Barbara Antoniewicz, Team Leader
The Worship Team helps plan and implement the worship services so we can gather as a community to celebrate God’s presence among us. They create and implement Sunday and holiday worship services; celebrate communion, baptisms, weddings and funerals; provide a welcoming environment for visitors and a spiritual and reflective worship experience for members; and provide a nurturing environment in which to bring our prayers and petitions before God.
Gina Williams, Team Leader
The Sanctuary Team prepares the sanctuary for all services of worship: weddings, funerals, Sunday worship, etc.. It straightens pew racks, arranges for ushers, and tends to general tidiness.